Transformation and Coming Home
I am Ing and I work as a trainer for Appreciative Communication, as a life and business coach and accompany couples in transformation processes.
I have spent more than a decade working in fundraising, strategy and public relations for political organizations.
That is what my collegue Silke says about me: “Her clarity combines presence, empathy and lightness. She sees her work as particularly successful when people continue to ask questions, listen and derive new insights, opening up perspectives that were previously unthinkable.”
In addition to my work as a coach, I do research in the field of bodywork
and am the mother of two children.
Photo: Mathias Bothor
New Work & New Leadership
I like to offer team trainings, large group training, selected workshops and (group) mediations with my colleague Silke Chorus. We share a vision of a togetherness in which people can meet empathically, equally, honestly and at eye level. We want to contribute to a culture in which we can connect with our emotional intelligence just as easily as with our ratio - because we need both equally in order to lead a good life. And we are pleased that clarity, honesty and effectiveness are allowed to play a major role.
This is my colleague Silke. She works as a trainer for Nonviolent / Appreciative Communication and New Leadership, as well as a coach, therapist and supervisor.
She combines her precise, strategic thinking and her knowledge of social dynamics and power relations with her empathic attitude. She is the mother of two children and, in addition to her trainings, does research in the field of care economics.