Companies and organizations are currently subject to deep change processes.
Digitization, climate change and scarcity of resources are changing the conditions under which we work. And also what people want from their job is changing: to fully tap into their personal potential, to work without pressure and fear, to integrate reason and intuition, to trust, to lead confidently and in a friendly way and to allow for more self-responsibility and self-organization.

 For all this to happen, it takes a new way of working - a way in which we connect not only with our minds and our cognitive knowledge, but also with our feelings and empathy. We need a new leadership culture, creative conflict resolution tools, performance management as a team process, and a culture that welcomes both agility and treats errors as growth possibilities rather than cause for reprimand.

 Our trainings, process support and empathic coachings can include the following components: 

  •     Clear and friendly leadership approaches

  •     Appreciation and listening 

  •     Empathetic team development 

  •     Basics of productive meetings 

  •     Needs-oriented role finding 

  •     Organizational, Team and Personal Vision development

  •     Resolve conflicts honestly and in emotionally tangible ways

  •     To develop joy and lightness in the work context 

  •     Self-care training & burnout prevention 

 We work on the basis of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) according to M. B. Rosenberg. Our trainings also have roots in principles which are systemic, integral and agile, and are further deepened by our own experience and intuition.