Our love partners touch our sensitive points precisely, in ways no other relationship does. We are particularly vulnerable in our partnerships and this offers us the potential to grow, heal and experience deep happiness.

Beside this, though, there is everyday life, maybe with children, demanding jobs, fulfilling various roles to your partner as lover, friend, a strong shoulder and an open heart for one another. And then too, why didn’t anyone hang up the laundry and do the grocery shopping?!

With all these different and sometimes competing aspects of a relationship, often unnoticed, fatigue creeps into a partnership, injuries occur, trust dwindles and we experience less and less intimacy (not only sexually) with one another.

In my partner-coachings, we look together at patterns within and resources available to your partnership and I support you to find and express respectfully your needs.

Above all, we create a quiet space in which you can hear yourself (and each other) again, in which there is space for all feelings, from love to disappointment to anger and pain. And in which you can feel your vulnerability and your strenght again and recognize your partner anew.

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“Did I pick the right person? This question inverts the starting and ending points. We do not pick our perfect match because we ourselves are not perfect. The universe hands us a flawless diamond—in the rough. Only if we are willing to polish off every part of ourselves that cannot join do we end up with a soul mate.”
// David Schnarch, Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love and Intimacy Alive in Committed Relationships