2019 Training in Coaching and personal development at Arche Medica

2018 The emotional backpack - conscious discharge as the key to emotional healing with Vivian Dittmar

2017 reconciliation work after M. B. Rosenberg with Monika Flörchinger and Stephan Seibert

2017 Introduction to Timeless Wisdom Training with Thomas Hübl

2015 until today member of the working group Feminist Macroeconomics

2015 Received the healing permit for psychotherapy

2013 NVC and Mindfulness one-year training with Tatjana Wolf and Teresa Heidegger

2011 one-year training NVC to M.B. Rosenberg with Tatjana Wolf and Teresa Heidegger

2010 Annual Course: "Methods of Body-Oriented Psychotherapy"

2008 to 2010 Lecturer at the John F. Kennedy Institute of the FU Berlin

2008 to 2012 PhD at the FU Berlin. Topic: "Care economy in post-Fordism. Perspectives of Integral Economic Theory "

2008 until today contact improvisation practice

2007 until today Anusara Yoga practice

2006 graduate in political science. Studied in Potsdam, Spain and Berlin